Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016


(When you tryna getting focus on doing this kinda blogging but you have to do a take home final examination of data analysis subject which is going to be submitted tomorrow.. and you decide to type this one  fiirst)
Hi guuyyssss! Meet again with meeeh =))))))))))
So let me just give you the clear and brief story of what I’m doin today. (Hahaha to the point bgt ya) (iya emang aku gabegitu suka basa basi sih) (lah malah curhat) (oke lanjut) (back tu the business)
Iya, jadi, hari ini, eh lupa, pake basing ya harusnya. So, todaaay I had a Pembekalan KKNat the 4th floor of Pascasarjana Building, it is on Thursday, August 3rd 2016, the agendas are:
7 – 8am
Material: Pembentukan Struktur Kepengurusan Tingkat Kecamatan & desa
Speaker: Committee
8 – 9am
Material: Potret Wilayah Kecamatan Tawangsari
Speaker: The Head of Tawangsari
9 – 10am
Material: The General View about POSDAYA
Speaker: Hery Settiatna, M. Pd
10 – 11am
Material: Concept and Application of PAR (Participatory Action Research)
Speaker: Dr. Imam Ma’ruf, M.Pd
11 – 12
Material: The Technical of Biopori
Speaker: Denok Martiyani, S.E

And I technically captured some materials such as:

Oh ya and the speaker is Mr. Zainal Arifin, M.Pd . I dont know why exactly it is changed anyway, It should ve Mr. Hery Setiawan like what written in the schedule above..

Aaaaand we hv guest hereee, the fabolous one from Solo (jengjerengjereeeeeng) Mbak Denok~