Kamis, 14 Juli 2016


HI GUUUYYYSSS!!! It’s nice to know that all of you still continuing to read my pooost yeay! 
Ok in this occasion I’m gonna tell you a not-really-long storyyyy. 
The first time survey we start to go at 9. Oh ya, we decided to gather in front of campus around 8 and the ones who’d already come will wait til 9 to 5, and we start to go at 9 no matter who hasn’t come at that time. And you know what? WE MADE IT! YAAAAAY HAHAHA 

Photo credits by Devi

Photo credits by Devi (hayooo tau gak aku yg seblah manaaa? Tebak-tebak tanpa hadiah hahaha)

you guys must be very hv noo ideas why do I look like so happy? Of course I am! I mean, kapan lagi gitu bisa se on time ini, hah? Susah tauk jadi orang yang always come on time in any situation no matter what kaya aku ini (widiiiiiw hahaha) eh tapi srius aku tu selalu mengusahakan dating on time dalam acara apa pun lho, dan aku juga gasuka nunggu lama -_____________________- 
Oh ya back to de business~ thanks God we realized that we’d grown up and we know how valueable time is. 
Aaaand Im so happy riding my the one and only YAMAHA VEGA R (sumpah ini bukan promosi) he’s just like my boyfriend accompanying me wherever I go and whoever I with (brarti si Vega jadi org ke-3 ya hahaha) ni motor enak bgt asli. Ni motor dibeli udah dari dulu jaman gue kelas 1 apa 2 sd ya lupa, asli dulu gue yg pilih, ampe skrg ni, awet bener kan? Ember ciyn~ 
Then, we arrived at Balai Desa Ponowaren (How to say in English? Ah whatevah!) around 10.15am. you know what we’ve a quite long trip but we didn’t scream like what David John Schaap did in Transtv every weekend (MY TRIP MY ADVENTURE, wkwkwk #oposihgajelasbgt deh) 

Fyi, buat yg ngerasa cerita di blog ini gamutu bgt, udah gaush dilanjutin, close aja tabnya. This is a story of mine, jadi ya #SKAHA alias sesuka hati gue dong yeeesss mo nulis appa disini. Tapi, buat kalian yg lagi baca, make sure kalo kalian baca cerita #KKN ini dari awal ssampeakhir yak arena emang ini bentuknya sequence gitu jadi kalo Cuma baca di tengah-tengah ntar bakal ga seru bgt. Ready to road to the next story? Really? Okay. 

We enter Mr. Carik’s room, we talk, we laugh, we share (LOH?!!! Kok mirip logo apa gitu ya) iya intinya kita ngobrol disana.. ga begitu formal sih.. semi-formal.. okay go back to Engliish.. 
Yea and He talked about many things, about Ponowaren, the area, the village, the citizen, the organization, proffesion around here and there, culture, aaand many othersszz. (sorry agak alay, udah bawaan) 
We of course introduce ourselves one by one, you know, name, address, what semester, what major do we take, many things. 
Here are some candids we made, check this oouuutt:  

Photo credits by Meeeh sitting next to his left side

Photo credits by Meeeh from da cornerrr 

And the rests are from Devi’s phone (by the way thanks dev): 

Photo credits by Devi

 Photo credits by Devi

Photo credits by Devi

And yaaaas those kinda orange people are us! Proud of Orange! Eh bukan timnas Belanda loh ya??!!! Karena yg oren tu bukan cuma timnas Belanda~ 

Okaaay and we’re back to the business~~~~~~~~~ 
Aaaand after thaaaat we had such an amazing fckd up trip go around this village, from east to west, south to north.. we through kinda nggrenjul-nggrenjul road, pateng grenjul you know, it is pateng gogrok kabeh, opo meneh aku montoran dewe, ora koyo liyane sng iso nggonceng and enek tempat bersandar when you have a grenjal-grenjul moment #alahbaper #sorrygampangbaper #udahbawaan
So kita muter-muter may be almost 45 mnts, we arrived again in Balai Desa or something and no need a long time we decide to go home, have a pamitan to the carik and the gangstaa and farewell carik we’ll see ya soon!

Lunch time! Yeay! Eh jangan bilang siapa-siapa ya, jadi hari ini tu pertama kali aku nyawal gituh. Oh wait, semalem udah diingetin mamah sih “loh dek besok katanya mau survey sama temen-temen? Nanti nek dijak maem piye” she’s just actually wanna says that you may not have a fasting today bcs you’ll have something to do with friendsand I just say “alah we gampang mah, kan ya belum tentu maem bareng tho” lah tenant ho jam makan siang kae mlipir neng sambel layah sukoharjo jam stengah1an. 

Photo credits by Meeeh

Photo credits by Meeeh abaikan dia yang liat ke kamera, orang ga diajak poto kok malah ngguyu ngeksis ngunu kui wkwkwkw

Dan bener deh kita sampe sambel layah, pesen makan. Pelayanannya lamaaaaaaaaa ndengaren yg sukoharjo ini kok agak lama, biasane di sambel layah yg lain ga lama lho.. pdhl kan jam nya makan siang,. Man yang bias dipesen Cuma ayam goring and udang gongsong lagi.. nyampe nya baru jam 1 lebih.. lafapefer euuyyy

That’s our storyy



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