Senin, 19 September 2016


Are you still continuing ma story? Oh really? Good then, this one is actually the continuing story of the previous post.. so today we do not only clean the grass but we also have another activities such as... check this out:
As we know that the theme of our KKN is Pospadaya Berbasis Masjid so we have to help a current mosque to be more alive. One of some ways we had is continuing a TPA Program with some creativity right there. So, today, we had an agenda to come a current Mosque near with our house here, in order to adapt with the environment round here, especially in the Mosque itself. I dunno exactlu what do they do there because not all of us go there, it is jsut Bagus, Nastri, Ndaru, Faiz, dan Nadhi. They found some informations such as the schedule of the TPA Program, who the teacher are, how the TPA Program actually, and many others. Aaand with those informations we’re going to make a strategy to make this mosque “alive”.
And guys, it’s not only about the TPA thing, but also about another “Proker”, it is a “Course” or “Les-lesan”. The course will be held on Monday til Friday at 6 til 7pm. It is opened for all class (elementary and junior high school). Here are some picts we had today:  

Teacher: Diaz 

And you know what, I’m just like “whaaaaat? You must be kidding?!!!” they were sooo excited tonight. There are more than 25 students coming

Teacher: Ndaru, Nadhiroh

 Teacher: Devi, Nastri.

We’re not stoppin’ there, we still have another agenda, that is coming to the invitation of “Bersih Desa”, and there are puppet drama show. Ohmy I was sooo excited with it. We also have some documentations:

I promise will explain to you next time about what bersih desa is, how is it exactly, and how the puppet show is it exactly, okay? But not now bcs it’s almost midnight and I think I really have to go sleep, bye!


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