Senin, 19 September 2016


HI GUUYSSS stillstay tune here? Oh Good! Still with me, maya on the second day of my KKN and yaaa let’s do thiiss!
So, today at about 5.30 some of us are jogging in the morning and walking through the town and want to shop some vegetables and another good food for today’s breakfast. but first, let us take a lil pict:

The welcome-to-Ponowaren-look

Yes it’s 5.30am but you know what no more cafe or something round here.. so we just go back to our house and we just like find another place to find some good food. Before we going somewhere, we decided to make our park cleaner. And yes, we just got some grass knife (arit). And here are some before-look of our park: 
The before-look

The after-look

The after-look

If you still confuse how to use grass-knife exactly, we just need to take the grass and cut it off, just like what is shown in that picture. After that don’t forget to cut and swipe it off, and this is it! We’re done!
Give it a try!
Thanks for stay tune on my blog and see ya in the next article, bye! =)


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